의약품 관련 특허 분쟁 2014.10.24

  • 등록 2014.12.03 17:50:27

Amgen, Inc./ Amgen Manufacturing Limited 대 Sandoz, Inc./ Sandoz International GmbH / SANDOZ GMBH

[의약품]Amgen, Inc./ Amgen Manufacturing Limited 대 Sandoz, Inc./ Sandoz International GmbH / SANDOZ GMBH 간의 의약품 관련 특허 분쟁 

발생일자 2014.10.24 

사건번호 3:14-cv-04741 


관할법원명 D.C.N.D.California(지방법원) 

침해권리 특허 

원고명 Amgen, Inc./ Amgen Manufacturing Limited ( 미국 / 외국기업 )  

피고명 Sandoz, Inc./ Sandoz International GmbH / SANDOZ GMBH ( 미국 / 외국기업 )  

소송유형 침해금지 

[Amgen, Inc. et al v. Sandoz, Inc. et al] 사건번호 3:14-cv-04741에 따르면 원고 Amgen, Inc./ Amgen Manufacturing Limited는 피고 Sandoz, Inc./ Sandoz International GmbH / SANDOZ GMBH을 상대로 특허 US6162427을 침해하였다는 이유로 미국 캘리포니아 북부 지방법원에 소를 제기하였다. 

분쟁결과 분쟁중 

산업분류 화학∙바이오 > 의약품 

계쟁제품 Biological product for treating particular diseases, biosimilar version of NEUPOGEN 

지재권번호/명칭 US6162427   Combination of G-CSF with a chemotherapeutic agent for stem cell mobilization 


The invention relates to the use of G-CSF in combination with a chemotherapeutic agent (in particular, cyclophosphamide) to produce a pharmaceutical preparation for boosting the mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells from bone marrow in the treatment of diseases requiring peripheral stem cell transplantation. The claimed combination results in more efficient leukapheresis, e.g. before myeloblative or myelotoxic therapy.

*  Claims

What is claimed is:

1. A method of treating a disease requiring peripheral stem cell transplantation in a patient in need of such treatment, comprising administering to the patient a hematopoietic stem cell mobilizing-effective amount of G-CSF; and thereafter administering to the patient a disease treating-effective amount of at least one chemotherapeutic agent.

2. The method of claim 1, wherein the disease is a tumor disease.

3. The method of claim 1, wherein the G-CSF is recombinant G-CSF.

4. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least one chemotherapeutic agent opens the endothelial barrier of the patient to render the endothelial barrier permeable for stem cells.

5. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least one chemotherapeutic agent is cyclophosphamide.

6. The method of claim 1, wherein the G-CSF is administered once per day over 2-3 consecutive days, and the chemotherapeutic agent is administered immediately after the final administration of G-CSF, or on a fourth consecutive day.

7. A pharmaceutical kit, comprising

a first component comprising G-CSF;

a second component comprising at least one chemotherapeutic agent; and

a third component comprising instructions for the administration of the G-CSF prior to the onset of administration of the at least one chemotherapeutic agent. 

출처 [US Patent & Trademark Office, Patent Full Text and Image Database]

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