「Facial Nerve」- 안면 신경 조직에 대해 상세하게 기술

  • 등록 2014.05.22 17:20:02

William H. Slattery, Babak Azizzadeh

ISBN : 9781604060508

판   형 : Hardcoverㅣ236 Pages

출판사 : Thieme


The Facial Nerve is a concise yet comprehensive guide to the pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of facial nerve disorders. Addressing important facial nerve problems such as congenital disorders and Bells palsy, this text provides physicians with the most up-to-date medical and surgical treatment recommendations.

Key Features:
•Pairs clinical practice guidelines with relevant research on the chapter topic
•Includes a discussion of rehabilitation for patients with permanent facial paralysis
•Contains full-color, high-quality illustrations and photographs throughout
•Written by premier authorities on the management of facial nerve diseases

This book succinctly covers the essential aspects of facial nerve management and is a must-have reference for otolaryngologists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, facial plastic surgeons, ophthalmologists, and physical therapists caring for patients with facial nerve disorders.



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