[속보] 의료장치기술 관련 특허 분쟁 2015.01.30

  • 등록 2015.02.13 18:22:16

Energetiq Technology, Inc. 대 ASML Netherlands B.V./ Excelitas Technologies Corp./ Qioptiq Photonics GmbH & Co. KG

[의료장치기술]Energetiq Technology, Inc. ASML Netherlands B.V./ Excelitas Technologies Corp./ Qioptiq Photonics GmbH & Co. KG 간의 의료장치기술 관련 특허 분쟁



발생일자 2015.01.30


사건번호 1:15-cv-10240




관할법원명 D.C.Massachusetts(지방법원)


침해권리 특허


원고명 Energetiq Technology, Inc. ( 미국 / 외국기업 )


피고명 ASML Netherlands B.V./ Excelitas Technologies Corp./ Qioptiq Photonics GmbH & Co. KG ( 네덜란드 / 외국기업 )


소송유형 침해금지



[Energetiq Technology, Inc. v. ASML Netherlands B.V. et al] 사건번호 1:15-cv-10240에 따르면 원고 Energetiq Technology, Inc.는 피고 ASML Netherlands B.V./ Excelitas Technologies Corp./ Qioptiq Photonics GmbH & Co. KG을 상대로 특허 US7435982, US7786455, US8309943, US8525138 을 침해하였다는 이유로 미국 메사추세츠 지방법원에 소를 제기하였다.


분쟁결과 분쟁중


산업분류 장치산업 > 의료장치기술


계쟁제품 ASML YieldStar 250 and Upgraded YieldStar 200 (that includes the Qioptiq LS1)



US7435982 Laser-driven light source

US7786455 Laser-driven light source

US8309943 Laser-driven light source

US8525138 Laser-driven light source

Laser-driven light source



An apparatus for producing light includes a chamber and an ignition source that ionizes a gas within the chamber. The apparatus also includes at least one laser that provides energy to the ionized gas within the chamber to produce a high brightness light. The laser can provide a substantially continuous amount of energy to the ionized gas to generate a substantially continuous high brightness light.



What is claimed is:


1. A light source, comprising: a chamber; an ignition source for ionizing a gas within the chamber; and at least one laser for providing energy to the ionized gas within the chamber to produce a high brightness light.


2. The light source of claim 1 wherein the at least one laser is a plurality of lasers directed at a region from which the high brightness light originates.


3. The light source of claim 1, comprising at least one optical element for modifying a property of the laser energy provided to the ionized gas.


4. The light source of claim 3 wherein the optical element is a lens or mirror.


5. The light source of claim 4 wherein the optical element is a lens selected from the group consisting of an aplanatic lens, an achromatic lens, a single element lens, and a fresnel lens.


6. The light source of claim 4 wherein the optical element is a mirror selected from the group consisting of a coated mirror, a dielectric coated mirror, a narrow band mirror, and an ultraviolet transparent infrared reflecting mirror.


7. The light source of claim 1 wherein the optical element is one or more fiber optic elements for directing the laser energy to the gas.


8. The light source of claim 1 wherein the chamber comprises an ultraviolet transparent region.


9. The light source of claim 1 wherein the chamber or a window in the chamber comprises a material selected from the group consisting of quartz, Suprasil quartz, sapphire, MgF.sub.2, diamond, and CaF.sub.2.


10. The light source of claim 1 wherein the chamber is a sealed chamber.


11. The light source of claim 1 wherein the chamber is capable of being actively pumped.


12. The light source of claim 1 wherein the chamber comprises a dielectric material.


13. The light source of claim 12 wherein the chamber is a glass bulb.


14. The light source of claim 12 wherein the dielectric material is quartz.


15. The light source of claim 12 wherein the chamber is an ultraviolet transparent dielectric chamber.


16. The light source of claim 1 wherein the gas is one or more of a noble gas, Xe, Ar, Ne, Kr, He, D.sub.2, H.sub.2, O.sub.2, F.sub.2, a metal halide, a halogen, Hg, Cd, Zn, Sn, Ga, Fe, Li, Na, an excimer forming gas, air, a vapor, a metal oxide, an aerosol, a flowing media, or a recycled media.


17. The light source of claim 1 wherein the gas is produced by a pulsed laser beam that impacts a target in the chamber.


18. The light source of claim 17 wherein the target is a pool or film of metal.


19. The light source of claim 17 wherein the target is capable of moving.


20. The light source of claim 1 wherein the at least one laser comprises multiple diode lasers coupled into a fiber optic element.


21. The light source of claim 1 wherein the at least one laser comprises a pulse or continuous wave laser.


22. The light source of claim 1 wherein the at least one laser is selected from the group consisting of an IR laser, a diode laser, a fiber laser, an ytterbium laser, a CO.sub.2 laser, a YAG laser, and a gas discharge laser.


23. The light source of claim 1 wherein the at least one laser emits at least one wavelength of electromagnetic energy that is strongly absorbed by the ionized medium.


24. The light source of claim 1 wherein the ignition source is selected from the group consisting of electrodes, an ultraviolet ignition source, a capacitive ignition source, an inductive ignition source, a flash lamp, a pulsed laser, and a pulsed lamp.


25. The light source of claim 1 wherein the ignition source is external or internal to the chamber.


26. The light source of claim 1, comprising at least one optical element for modifying a property of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the ionized gas.


27. The light source of claim 26 wherein the optical element is a mirror or a lens.


28. The light source of claim 26 wherein the optical element is configured to deliver the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the ionized gas to a tool.


29. The light source of claim 28 wherein the tool is selected from the group consisting of a wafer inspection tool, a microscope, a metrology tool, a lithography tool, and an endoscopic tool.


30. A method for producing light, comprising: ionizing with an ignition source a gas within a chamber; and providing laser energy to the ionized gas in the chamber to produce a high brightness light.


31. The method of claim 30 comprising directing the laser energy through at least one optical element for modifying a property of the laser energy provided to the ionized gas.


32. The method of claim 30 comprising actively pumping the chamber.


33. The method of claim 30 wherein the ionizable medium is a moving target.


34. The method of claim 30 comprising directing the high brightness light through at least one optical element to modify a property of the light.


35. The method of claim 30 comprising delivering the high brightness light emitted by the ionized medium to a tool.


36. The method of claim 35 wherein the tool is selected from the group consisting of a wafer inspection tool, a microscope, a metrology tool, a lithography tool, and an endoscopic tool.


37. A light source, comprising: a chamber; an ignition source for ionizing an ionizable medium within the chamber; and at least one laser for providing substantially continuous energy to the ionized medium within the chamber to produce a high brightness light.


38. The light source of claim 37 wherein the at least one laser is selected from the group consisting of a continuous wave laser and a high pulse rate laser.


39. The light source of claim 37 wherein the at least one laser is a high pulse rate laser that provides pulses of energy to the ionized medium so the high brightness light is substantially continuous.


40. The light source of claim 39 wherein magnitude of the high brightness light does not vary by more than about 90% during operation.


41. The light source of claim 39 wherein the at least one laser provides energy substantially continuously to minimize cooling of the ionized medium when energy is not provided to the ionized medium.


42. The light source of claim 37, comprising at least one optical element for modifying a property of the laser energy provided to the ionized medium.


43. The light source of claim 42 wherein the optical element is a lens or mirror.


44. The light source of claim 43 wherein the optical element is a lens selected from the group consisting of an aplanatic lens, an achromatic lens, a single element lens, and a fresnel lens.


45. The light source of claim 43 wherein the optical element is a mirror selected from the group consisting of a coated mirror, a dielectric coated mirror, a narrow band mirror, and an ultraviolet transparent infrared reflecting mirror.


46. The light source of claim 37 wherein the optical element is one or more fiber optic elements for directing the laser energy to the ionizable medium.


47. The light source of claim 37 wherein the chamber comprises an ultraviolet transparent region.


48. The light source of claim 37 wherein the chamber or a window in the chamber comprises a material selected from the group consisting of quartz, suprasil quartz, sapphire, MgF.sub.2, diamond, and CaF.sub.2.


49. The light source of claim 37 wherein the chamber is a sealed chamber.


50. The light source of claim 37 wherein the chamber is capable of being actively pumped.


51. The light source of claim 37 wherein the chamber comprises a dielectric material.


52. The light source of claim 51 wherein the chamber is a glass bulb.


53. The light source of claim 51 wherein the dielectric material is quartz.


54. The light source of claim 51 wherein the chamber is an ultraviolet transparent dielectric chamber.


55. The light source of claim 37 wherein the ionizable medium is one or more of a noble gas, Xe, Ar, Ne, Kr, He, D.sub.2, H.sub.2, O.sub.2, F.sub.2, a metal halide, a halogen, Hg, Cd, Zn, Sn, Ga, Fe, Li, Na, an excimer forming gas, air, a vapor, a metal oxide, an aerosol, a flowing media, a recycled media, or an evaporating target.


56. The light source of claim 37 wherein the ionizable medium is a target in the chamber and the ignition source is a pulsed laser that provides a pulsed laser beam that strikes the target.


57. The light source of claim 56 wherein the target is a pool or film of metal.


58. The light source of claim 56 wherein the target is capable of moving.


59. The light source of claim 37 wherein the at least one laser comprises multiple diode lasers coupled into a fiber optic element.


60. The light source of claim 37 wherein the at least one laser emits at least one wavelength of electromagnetic energy that is strongly absorbed by the ionized medium.


61. The light source of claim 37 wherein the ignition source is selected from the group consisting of electrodes, an ultraviolet ignition source, a capacitive ignition source, an inductive ignition source, a flash lamp, a pulsed laser, and a pulsed lamp.


62. The light source of claim 37 wherein the ignition source is external or internal to the chamber.


63. The light source of claim 37, comprising at least one optical element for modifying a property of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the ionized medium.


64. The light source of claim 63 wherein the optical element is a mirror or a lens.


65. The light source of claim 63 wherein the optical element is configured to deliver the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the ionized medium to a tool.


66. The light source of claim 65 wherein the tool is selected from the group consisting of a wafer inspection tool, a microscope, a metrology tool, a lithography tool, and an endoscopic tool.


67. A method for producing light, comprising: ionizing with an ignition source an ionizable medium within a chamber; and providing substantially continuous laser energy to the ionized medium in the chamber to produce a high brightness light.


68. The method of claim 67 comprising directing the laser energy through at least one optical element for modifying a property of the laser energy provided to the ionizable medium.


69. The method of claim 67 comprising actively pumping the chamber.


70. The method of claim 67 wherein the ionizable medium is a moving target.


71. The method of claim 67 wherein the ionizable medium comprises a solid, liquid or gas.


72. The method of claim 67 comprising directing the high brightness light through at least one optical element to modify a property of the light.


73. The method of claim 67 comprising delivering the high brightness light emitted by the ionized medium to a tool.


74. A light source, comprising: a chamber; a first ignition means for ionizing an ionizable medium within the chamber; and a means for providing substantially continuous laser energy to the ionized medium within the chamber.


75. A light bulb comprising: a quartz chamber for containing a laser sustained plasma and that emits a high brightness light produced by the laser sustained plasma by providing substantially continuous laser energy to an ionized medium within the chamber.


76. The light bulb of claim 75 wherein an inner surface of the quartz chamber is reflective.


77. The light bulb of claim 75 wherein the plasma is a high temperature plasma between about 10,000 K and about 20,000 K.


78. A light source comprising: a sealed chamber for containing a laser sustained plasma that emits a high brightness light produced by the laser sustained plasma by providing substantially continuous laser energy to an ionized medium within the chamber.


79. The light source of claim 78 wherein the chamber comprises a paraboloid shape with an inner surface that is reflective and a window that is transparent to the emitted light and laser energy.


80. The light source of claim 76 wherein the chamber has a paraboloid shape and an inner surface that is reflective, and wherein the paraboloid shape and reflective inner surface cooperate to reflect a substantial amount of the high brightness light toward and out of a window in the chamber.


81. The light source of claim 76 wherein the window comprises sapphire orquartz.



   출처 [US Patent & Trademark Office, Patent Full Text and Image Database]

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